Blog Archive

11 January 2013

On sexual harassment

Added 28 Jan:


Added 21 Jan: Girls and women 'hit the hardest' by global recession (21 Jan 2013)


 “This tragedy would not have happened if she had chanted God's name and fallen at the feet of the attackers. The error was not committed by just one side,” he said in video footage which has been widely circulated on the Internet.

From the iol article: Indian guru blames Delhi rape victim

The underlying issues concerned overlap with the  cultural problems in SA, which is reported to have the worst incidences per capita in the world.

Can one really believe that student is to blame for violating herself and getting herself beat-up like that? Would falling on her knees, as recommended, have saved her life. We cannot know how many rape victims have died whilst trying this approach since they cannot speak for themselves anymore. Maybe she did beg. We will never know!

And so the lawyer uses it in his defense:Rape accused's lawyer claims victim was to blame for bus attack

And a proposed solution is:Top Hindu priest advises women to wear Muslim veil to avoid rape:

The patriarchal nature of some cultural norms in SA leads to the same blinkered views that women are to blame.

In the article on recommended dress, the religious leaders have very low opinions of the carnal control capabilities of members of their gender. Perhaps they are correct to do so since globally and across society, rape exists in various degrees of severity and insidiousness.

Nevertheless, there are enough pockets of society where rape is not such a severe problem. Real upliftment entails empowering the male part of the population to control their more primal instincts and communicate their social frustration in constructive ways.

Many  schools and office and retail environments have dress codes for both men and women. I myself think that society may enjoy liberal THINKING, but there should be recommended bounds on dress for a comfortable and respectable environment that is neither overtly-provocative or stifling. Beyond such bounds, the provocative should expect to be looked at, but unwanted touching or sexual harassment  never need to be tolerated. Nor should there be any need for tolerance of repeated unwanted requests, particularly in asymmetric relationships. So yes, there should be rules. But women should be included in deciding what they are and diversity in religious views should be respected.
Added 15 Jan:

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From FB: 


This photo was posted on STFU, Conservatives Tumblr page last night. The reason why I'm sharing it is not because of the photo itself (which is epic in it's own right), but for the comments it generated.

One person wrote, "but then again, its kind like putting a meat suit on and telling a shark not to eat you".

STFU responded (with bolded text):
"We (men) are not fucking sharks!

We are not rabid animals living off of pure instinct

We are capable of rational thinking and understanding.

Just because someone is cooking food doesn’t mean you’re entitled to eat it.

Just because a banker is counting money doesn’t mean you’re being given free money.

Just because a person is naked doesn’t mean you’re entitled to fuck them.

You are not entitled to someone else’s body just because it’s exposed.

What is so fucking difficult about this concept?"



From by OWS on FB:


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